While Witch Elves don't match up against anything, they have some flexibility- it doesn't matter what they're flanking, they are really good at it, so long as they're working with an effective unit. Scatter the enemy clump with spells like Chillwind- Witch Elves take advantage of that better than most thanks to their high offense, speed, and Madness of Khaine. Beat down enemy leadership with Death Magic (Aspect of the Dread Knight/Doom & Darkness). Stagger the line and try to spread the engagement to individual units in separated melee and bounce around a bit to get the most of the debuff. For example, a straight fighting line limits them to 2 optimal engagement targets. Like most things, you can multiply their effectiveness with micro. All you have to do is protect them from getting sandwiched, no pun intended. Simply stick them on one end of your line with a bit of space (charging distance), form them up in a group in a locked formation, and click attack the enemy. Note, to effectively use Witch Elves as flanking infantry, you don't have to use intensive micro. Few can kill as many routing models as quickly as Witch Elves.

*If the enemy does break, the Witch Elves will make quick work of the routing unit as effectively as cavalry if they aren't tied up in melee with something else. Since the target is already flanked by a high offense unit, Fear will frequently push them to breaking.

It grants the Witch Elves the power of Fear. *Murderous Mastery is an upgrade to Murderous Prowess that most Dark Elves get. *The Madness makes the target easier to hit, so whatever was front engaged with the enemy will have an easier time winning in their own capacity. Now, here is truly where the Witch Elves shine. So all that squishyness of the Witch Elves is suddenly not so big a deal. This matters- if you closely watch combat, the unit will push its soldiers to engage its target, while fighting back against any enemy that engages them. This requires explaining! Most of the attention of the attacked unit remains on the opponent it was previously engaged with. Madness of Khaine is a very interesting mechanic- it has the effect of making the target focus on its current target. ! They are exceptional flanking infantry ! As another stated, Witch Elves are support melee troops, which means 1-3 per army.Ģ. While their killing capacity is good, it can't keep up with the rate others kill them- anything but meat fodder kills them faster. They're about equal with Dual Sword Shades *in melee*. By themselves, they are outperformed by all the other choices. I found the following about Witch Elves.ġ. So I tested them, in various scenarios, to see what they could do that Dark Riders, Executioners, Corsairs, Bleakswords, or Shades could not do better. I just so happened to be considering this earlier today, but only the Witch Elves.