Rome: Total War is a great game and worth playing and is very addictive. There are other parts to the game as well, such as Historical battles and set-piece battles.

There is the battle real time part which is excellent and the mission is simple, win! The other part is the turn-style strategy on the European map and you have to do a lot to maintain your empire. What makes the Total War types of game in one. As you conquer states you are also able to play as other states such as Gaul, Greece, Egypt, etc. You are meant to help gain territory for the Empire until you have enough strength to conquer Rome itself and the other two factions. The game is set during the growth of the Roman Empire and the mission is simple: take control of the empire! There are 3 factions that trying to gain power, the Julii in the North of Italy, the Brutii in the South and the Scripii in Central Italy and Silicy. The Total War series is one of the best around, only Football Manager can beat it. If you want to show what a command looks like, rather than actually implementing the command, surround it with the nowiki command.Rome: Total War is a great strategy game. One useful HTML command is which creates a line break. If you know HTML or CSS formatting commands, they can also be used in this wiki. Three single quotes, like '''bold text''' will create bold text. Two single quotes, like ''italics'' will create italics. Put single quote marks around words or phrases for formatting emphasis.